Monday, November 8, 2010

Family Research Council Web survey

This is what I wrote on the FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL website survey in answer to this question:

Off the top of your head, what comes to mind when you think of the Family Research Council?

"The notion of family in the true sense of the word, which is about love, respect, growing old together, raising children (or not), is absent from this group. The idea of research is misleading because there is no research happening, and actual research is ignored. A council that promotes hate, violence and false ideas from the bible has no place in a decent society. When there is a lot of money to be made on this hate and violence, it is difficult to give it up, isn't it? When love prevails, you can find yourself a little bit short on revenue, won't you? Get out of other people's bedrooms and realize that LIKE SLAVERY in BOTH the old and new testaments, a false idea can breed racism and also HUGE BUSINESS...and the idea that human lives are linked with people's livelihoods makes it difficult to admit wrong. The overwhelming by-product of the bible's slavery business was racism. When slavery was abolished and condemned DESPITE it being condoned in the bible, it took years to confront racism head-on. When WHEN homosexuality is finally accepted as NOT THAT BIG A DEAL the bible will once again be deemed wrong on yet another hateful business, then the Family Research Council will be no more. And real families - anyone who loves, respects and carries each other through life until death - can pursue happiness together without limits and hateful "councils" working against them."

1 comment:

  1. El, you should also send them this link to an article stating that researchers at UCLA have found 0% child abuse among 2-mom families vs 26% in the general population.

    Once again, the message is: Leave people the hell alone already. Get a life and let them live theirs, which they seem to be doing pretty darn well if studies such as the above are anything to go by.
