Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tweet Compilation Poem of the Day

I'm stealing words from tweets by famous people...Whatever tweet is the latest tweet on the day I visit their twitter accounts...names credited below.

here's my first poem (David Lynch, Louis C.K., John Hodgman, Osama Bin Laden, Steve Martin, Mark Twain):

Dear Twitter Friends, if u can
I didn't have twitter then.
I was busy being hung by my ankles

Asking to see the President's birth certificate,
ace-high flush against my three queens. 
more of a stranger than fiction.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My dilemma/to do list

-Update the blog with the dilemma/to do list
-Get a job
-Get health insurance for my partner and I
-Get civilly unionized
-Get my partner knocked up
-Learn to play the guitar

Check, on the first one...

Monday, April 25, 2011

My ideas are a big ball of tangled christmas lights

As illustrated in this rights managed stock photo of a ball of Christmas lights

I mix up these bald white guys all the time!

Do we even need to distinguish anymore? 

Karl Rove - Former Bush Chief of Staff and Republican puppeteer 

Larry Craig - Former U.S. Senator from Idaho, men's washroom sex seeker

Bill Donahue - President, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, funny in and of itself

Ellen and Gianni Talks - New Podcast!

Another Ellen and Gianni Talks podcast is up!