Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sock du jour - Jacques

JACQUES - created by Mei Moy

Species: Sock Doll 
Background: Brown, gray, argyle, blue (monkey) socks, thread, stuffing, buttons 
Personality traits: Giving, slightly agoraphobic, picky, jumpy, stylish, practical 
Likes: Sea cows, bubbles, Renaissance paintings, marimbas, bicycles, pain au chocolat, thoughtful quotations, laughing, silence 
Dislikes: Crying, waiting, slow people, black gum spots on sidewalks, crowds, brussel sprouts, cul-de-sacs, loud commercial interruptions 
Statement of Philosophy: Freedom is nice, but I'd like people to behave themselves and show some respect.

Colbert's brilliant DADT alternative

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Army of Mum
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Monday, September 27, 2010

God Loves Poetry

Love this site...something good from something so bad!

poor Mega churches

These desperate Christianist activists think that "separation of church and state" amounts to discrimination against Christians, and gay rights equals anti-Christianity.

I do think that Christians feel they are being attacked. They are scared. Their hold on society is being questioned and people are no longer willing to live by their hateful definitions. Family, human nature, love, and hate are being defined not to the detriment of Christians and their values, but to actually reflect reality. It is a shame that their Christian truth can't be closer to reality.

Gay people are not fighting against Christians, but Christians are fighting against gay people. Some of my gayest friends are Christian!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

RIP Mr. Barefield - Math does matter!

My High School algebra teacher passed away recently. I sucked at math and really only had a slight interest in geometry, but I will say that Mr. Barefield really cared about the fact that I was so dreadful a student. He wanted me to succeed, both times I took his beginning Algebra class! I wish I had cared more. I'll always remember him fondly!

Bishop Long and not admitting wrong

This is why I am doing this blog. Innocent until proven guilty, yes, but this is a perfect example of what has happened with any of these types of religious leaders. This man is given money and adoration for "speaking God's word" to "his" people. That act in and of itself is absurd. No one can speak for God, and no book has God's words. God should not be exploited and used to gain money, power, fame, hate, love or anything. Bishop Long has proven lies can be exposed. And God cannot help you because words and prayer and power and money are not God. Men and women are not God and cannot speak for God. When God shows itself/herself/himself then let that be your "judgement day". So Bishop Long will have to be judged by mere mortals for now. At least they are American mortals, he'd be toast if he was an Imam.

Monday, September 13, 2010

There's something about these movies

Movies I'll always watch when they come on TV:
-Shawshank Redemption
-The Shining
-There's Something About Mary
-You've Got Mail
-Die Hard

Last Dr. appointment until insurance runs out

Visited Mercy Hospital today - actually one of their satellite offices - and they had "Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy" printed on the glass doors. So I had "Mercy Mercy, Me" in my head and that brutal childhood arm wrestling game for which one cries "Mercy"! I was good at the game. I ignored the crosses hanging all over the place.

I have to shop around for new insurance...fucks! Got laid off and I snuck in one last check-up visit with an entirely new doctor. He was nice. I have sciatica (sing it to this song), which is not a show on Syfy nor a division of Scientology. It is a chronic pain in my ass!! But it is scary because it is a symptom of a yet undiagnosed other problem! So, now I am my own pain in my ass thanks to my sciatic nerve. When someone bugs me I'll just say "Boy, she's really getting on my sciatic nerve" because literally she probably is contributing to the pain in my ass. It is worst in the mornings. Probably because my bed is pot-holed stale marshmallow.

I can't get the spousal plan because I can't get married to my gf...oh mercy me! A friend called today, also laid off (from the same place) and he mentioned in his voice mail that he was "happy" that he got an extra $75 a week for unemployment because he could claim his wife as a dependent. Oh, fucking thanks man, rub it in! I could have a wife by now! I wish I could be happy and claim her as a dependent - if only I lived somewhere where my pursuit of happiness didn't end at the gates of some religious marriage country club.